We offer a range of psychology services to different kind of clients. Here you can find a list of our services that may benefit you:
Neurofeedback is a therapeutic intervention that provides immediate feedback from a computer-based program that assesses a client’s brainwave activity. The program then uses sound or visual signals to reorganize or retrain these brain signals. By responding to this process, clients learn to regulate and improve their brain function and to alleviate symptoms of various neurological and mental health disorders. Click here for More
Meet our practitioners and get familiar to our team:
Mohammad Dehganpour
Member of Ontario College of Psychologists.
Mohammad has more than 20 years of clinical experience working with children, youth, couples, adults and families. In Canada mohammad worked as a child and family therapist for 7 years at Integra foundation which was specialized in LD and other related mental health issues such as ADHD and ADD. For 7 years, Mohammad has been managing and supervising clinical program and services at Blue hills Child and Family Centre and from 2016 till 2019 at Catholic family services of Toronto.
Mohammad is registered with the College of Psychologists of Ontario and is a member of Candian Psychological Association. Mohammad has been published and translated numerous books and articles and holds educational workshops for parents, adults and couples. Mohammad is a member of Tehran Psychoanalytic Institute.

Leila has more than 10 years of clinical experience working with children, families and individuals. She offers parenting sessions based on Attachment theory and recent brain base knowledge about children and their development. Leila runs Emotional Regulation and Executive Functioning groups for children and youth.
Leila is registered with the College of Psychotherapists of Ontario.